women's health physio remote & face to face appointments
currently accepting new patients
Education and guidance for women at all stages of life
Serving the West Midlands and Worcestershire, UK
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Symptoms and conditions
Symptoms and conditions
Symptoms and conditions
Are you living with any of these symptoms?
So many women fall into the trap of thinking that nothing can be done to help and so live with their pelvic symptoms for years. The good news is that there are ways that specialist physiotherapy treatment can help relieve, reduce or completely stop symptoms of pelvic dysfunction.
Click on the word in the butterfly that reasonates with you to find out more about different symptoms and conditions, and how Fiona can help you manage them.
Or find out more about why Fiona's approach is so effective here.
Are you living with any of these symptoms?
So many women fall into the trap of thinking that nothing can be done to help them, and they live with symptoms for years. The good news is that there are ways we can help relieve, reduce or completely stop symptoms of poor pelvic health and other issues.
Click on the word in the butterfly that reasonates with you to find out more about different symptoms and conditions, and how Fiona can help you treat them.
Or find out more about why Fiona's approach is so effective here.
Pre-surgery or 'Pre-hab'

Are you booked for a planned c-section birth, hysterectomy or other gynae surgery ?
Enhance your recovery by seeing me prior to your surgery. This way you can learn how to optimise your recovery through exercise, nutrition and planning ahead.
Optimising your breathing, fitness and posture will encourage healing in the post operative period. You will go into surgery with the knowledge that you are doing as much for yourself as you possibly can.
What happens when you come to clinic – an overview.
Follow this link or read below. Signage on the front of the building is for KRD Financial Advisors Ltd. Please do not use carpark at the front of the building. Drive slowly down the side of the building (people may be leaving the clinic via the side door) and park at the rear. You are […]
Read more→Stiff Upper Back? Try these exercises!
Is your upper back stiff and tight from sitting at a desk or breastfeeding? No posture is a bad posture but if you stay in one position for any length of time it can lead to tension through muscles, fascia and nerves. The movement in your upper back can have an impact on your breathing, […]
Read more→Scar Therapy for C-section Birth
If you have recently had a Caesarean birth (also known as a C-Section), it may be that your scar feels uncomfortable. It’s quite common for your scar to feel like it’s pulling. It may be that pain is felt elsewhere in the body such as lower back or pelvis . You may find that your […]
Read more→Information booklets from the POGP
The POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy) is a special interest group within the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). It is for physios working within the realms of pelvic health, obstetrics and gynaecology. They have developed some information booklets which you may find useful. Fit Following Surgery Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Muscles […]
Read more→virtual & face to face appointments available
The clinic is now open for both virtual and face to face appointments! With the success of virtual appointments over the past few months, I have decided to continue to offer my services this way as well as in person. This opens up the opportunity for those of you who have issues with childcare or […]
Read more→Clinic Cleaning Policy
All surfaces will be cleaned after the clinic room has been used for client treatment – a 15 minute gap will be left between appointments Cleaning will be completed using disposable paper towel and antibacterial spray Special attention will be paid to areas that the client has been in touch with – chair, plinth and […]
Read more→Client Information for Clinic Visit
Following a virtual appointment a decision was made, between both the physiotherapist and yourself, that a face to face appointment would be beneficial. It is important that you understand that any close contact could result in the transmission of COVID-19. To minimise this risk, changes have been made to the way that the clinic is […]
Read more→Current Clinic Standard Operating Procedures due to Covid-19
Follow COVID-19 triage pathway to establish face to face or virtual assessment – see CSP and PhysioFirst Guidelines If face to face treatment is indicated: Send registration form which includes consent Send Covid-19 questionnaire 24 hours prior to appointment Advise client that the decision to receive treatment is their choice and explain risks involved Clients […]
Read more→Physiotherapy in the management of Endometriosis
Women’s Health or pelvic health physiotherapy is not included in the nice guidelines for endometriosis, however it is included in the nice guidelines for chronic pelvic pain. Physiotherapy is not part of the care offered to most women who have been diagnosed with or have symptoms of endometriosis, either before or after surgery. Laparoscopic excision […]
Read more→Remote Physiotherapy Assessments
As many of you know by now, my clinic is temporarily closed for face to face contacts. I do however, know that many women can still benefit from an online consultation. How will this differ from a face to face consultation? Using http://www.zoom.us we will arrange to talk at a time that suits you. After […]
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