Scar Therapy for C-section Birth

If you have recently had a Caesarean birth (also known as a C-Section), it may be that your scar feels uncomfortable. It’s quite common for your scar to feel like it’s pulling. It may be that pain is felt elsewhere in the body such as lower back or pelvis .

You may find that your movement is restricted or your tummy muscles feel weak.

Your scar may be red, raised, tight and angry looking – which we know can impact how we look and feel about our bodies. Your scar may also impact, what you wear, intimacy with your partner, returning to exercise and so much more.

Specialist postnatal physiotherapy and scar therapy can help you feel better about your scar. This can give you confidence to return to exercise and reconnect with your tummy. As well as helping you manage your scar tissue, we can guide you through the process of returning to normal function.

Here’s a short video from my mentor Hannah Poulton on scar tissue.

Having recently spent a day with her in clinic I’m proud to say I can use the Positive C-Section logo and provide an evidence based hands on service.

If you’d like to book an appointment for a Mummy MOT which includes a comprehensive scar assessment please follow the link here.

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