Women with mask smiling

Client Information for Clinic Visit

Following a virtual appointment a decision was made, between both the physiotherapist and yourself, that a face to face appointment would be beneficial.

It is important that you understand that any close contact could result in the transmission of COVID-19. To minimise this risk, changes have been made to the way that the clinic is run.

Whilst many of these points will have been discussed during your virtual appointment, below is an outline of the management of your appointment and the clinic setting which is taken from the clinic Standard Operating Procedure June 2020.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch prior to your appointment.

*indicates current guidelines which may change with government briefings.

On arrival at clinic:

  • Clients will be asked to stay in car or outside and before entering the clinic will be called and asked questions on Covid-19 questionnaire again
  • If Covid-19 screening is clear the client will be asked to come to the clinic door
  • They will be asked not to knock on the door which will be opened by the therapist
  • On entering the clinic they will be required to apply alcohol gel and unless they are already doing so, apply a face mask (unless contraindicated)
  • All doors will be opened and closed by the therapist

On entering the treatment room:

  • The client will sit in the plastic chair provided which will be a 1m* distance from the therapist
  • The therapist will conduct a brief subjective update, and objective assessment maintaining social distancing as much as possible
  • The client will be treated as appropriate with minimal hands on time – maximum of 15 mins* as stated by PHE
  • Couch roll will be used on the plinth with wipeable pillows
  • Any towels used will be washed at 60 degrees and dried outside where possible
  • Any information needed will be emailed or send via WhatsApp to client rather than written down

On finishing the treatment session:

  • The client will continue to wear the mask until they have left the building and will dispose of it themselves
  • Payment will be taken via bank transfer – no cash will be accepted
  • The client will leave the building and PPE will then be removed by therapist disposing of it into the bin

Between clients:

  • At least a 15 minute gap will be left to enable cleaning of the treatment room, toilet and high touch areas
  • The therapist will wash their hands pre- and post-treatment and use alcohol gel
  • Windows and doors will be opened to allow airing of the room

Toilet Facilities:

  • Toilet facilities including door handles will be cleaned between patients if they have been used
  • Clients will be encouraged to follow proper hand-washing techniques and use the paper towels provided to dry their hands
  • Liquid soap will be provided
  • Alcohol gel will be provided for use after hand-washing


  • The therapist will wear a face mask, gloves and apron throughout the consultation. This will be changed after every appointment
  • The client will be provided with a face mask should they not have one

End of Session Cleaning:

  • The room will receive a deep clean between sessions to prevent build up of dust
  • Antibacterial spray will be sprayed onto the carpet
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