If you're not sure what's wrong, but things aren't right, take a look through the symptoms list below...
As an experienced women's health physiotherapist, I can help you understand and improve your pelvic health symptoms. I believe that this is a much needed, somewhat neglected area of women's wellbeing, and all too often women suffer in silence. However, there really is no need to ignore the symptoms you may have any longer. I promise to listen to your whole story as well as directing questions to help me truly understand what you are going through. Together we will look at all aspects of your life and health so we can formulate a plan together.
Pelvic health
There are different types of incontinence. If you leak when you cough, sneeze , run or jump, this is called STRESS incontinence. Losing control of your bladder when you are desperate for the toilet or put your key in the door is called URGENCY incontinence. You could have one or both of these.
You have noticed that you need to go to the toilet more often but only pass small volumes of urine.
Prolapse of the uterus, bladder or bowel. Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor and supporting connective tissues are not strong enough to hold the organs in place. You may feel a pressure in your lower pelvis or feel discomfort when inserting a tampon.
This can be due to a variety of factors and requires a whole body and lifestyle approach. Nerves, fascia, muscles and joints can cause dysfunction in the lower back, abdomen or rib cage area that lead to pelvic pain. Stress, hydration and daily activities also play a part. You may or may not have received a specific diagnosis such as pudendal neuralgia, endometriosis, overactive bladder or vulvodynia from a specialist.
This is also known as Dyspareunia. This can be due to scar tissue, tight pelvic floor muscles or nerve pain. Sex should never be painful.
Bowel issues can be helped with both hands on physiotherapy as well as lifestyle, nutrition and hydration advice. Bowel issues can lead to prolapsed, incontinence and pelvic pain.
Also known as overactive bladder or interstitial cystitis. It is caused by chronic inflammation of the bladder wall. It can be helped by release of the pelvic floor and surrounding tissues as well as breathing, stress management and lifestyle changes.
Can prevent normal glide of connective tissues leading to pain and restriction in movement. This can cause issues with pelvic floor function and mobility.
Pregnancy & post-natal
Can occur at any point during pregnancy and is due to changes in posture, connective tissues and movement. It can be felt at the front or back of the pelvis, into the perineum and inner thighs.
Lower back pain is due to changes in posture and stresses through joints and on nerves as your baby grows.
Tail bone pain which tends to be worse on sitting.
A growing baby or constipation can cause you to leak when coughing, sneezing or exercising.
Scars can interfere with the recovery of your tissue movement, which in turn can cause discomfort. Episiotomy scars can lead to problems with your pelvic floor strength or painful sex.
Is normal during pregnancy but recovery can be variable. You may have a tummy which doesn’t look or feel right or you’ve noticed you have some back pain.
Cancer rehabilitation
This may be an issue following surgery or radiotherapy.
This may occur in joints such as the shoulder following breast surgery.
Fatigue is a common symptom during or after cancer treatments. Learning how to manage fatigue and how exercise can help will make a huge difference to your quality of life.
This sounds like me... what should I do?
Sometimes you've been everywhere and had lots of different tests, but there are no answers as to why you have your problem. If you haven't tried physio, then this should be your next step. Taking a whole body, integrative approach may well help with your pain and symptoms.
I provide physiotherapy assessment and treatment for pelvic health and gynaecological concerns, whether they be post natal, menopausal or post-operative. Physio-led Pilates may be ideal during your rehabilitation or maybe you've under gone treatment for cancer and want to know what you can do next.
Physiotherapy should be the first line of treatment for incontinence and prolapse and can make huge improvements to your symptoms. Take a look at this article from the CSP
Book an appointment or find out how I can help you
1 hour one-to-one session